About Me

Software developer with a medical background. I'm always interested in learning new things, collaborating with new people and building innovative, meaningful software. I am currently looking for opportunities for software development in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please feel free to contact me through e-mail or any of my linked accounts. Check out some of my projects below!

Simul: React Native + Ruby on Rails API

A visibility and resource sharing mobile platform for refugees, where a user can share everyday stories, request specific resources and be messaged. Simul aims to provide a safe space for people to share their experiences and connect with other refugees and the local and international community. Simul's first person story platform hopes to raise awareness and understanding and to strengthen participation in relief efforts for the refugee crisis.

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Referred: Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL

The MVP for Referred allows for both the referral source (Sourcer) and the person looking to be referred (Candidate) to create a profile and search for one another. Companies often pay hefty referral bonuses on hires sourced by their employees, so employees can sign up with this application and indicate that they are willing to speak to and potentially refer interested parties. On the candidate side, if they know of a company they are looking at, but don’t know anyone within that company/industry, they can search and see how many potential sourcers are on the network and contact directly in order to open up a dialogue. This would allow for us to create opportunity on both the employer and potential employee side by facilitating “informational interviews” with the intent of a referral.

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Eclair: Ruby on Rails + Pokitdok API + First Databank API

Developed over 24 hours at Health 2.0 Hackathon San Francisco, 2016: An easy-to-use tool to help seniors better understand and engage with their healthcare costs. Specifically, Eclair was designed to help senior patients under Medicare Part D avoid their annual coverage gap by offering alternative medications to consult with their provider. Integrates Pokitdok Formulary API and First Databank Cloud Connector API.

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Stream-Capture: Ruby on Rails + HTML canvas

Rails application integrating canvas HTML element to take Youtube URLs, play videos and capture clear screenshots and thumbnails from linked videos.

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